
Instrumental Auditions

There is an application pocess that must take place before auditioning. Please carefully follow all of the steps listed on the application and audition process page.

The requirements listed below are for undergraduate music education majors, music minors and for those seeking a non-major music scholarship.

To audition as a performance major or as a graduate student, please contact the respective professor directly.

Brass and Woodwinds

  • Two major scales and one minor scale, full range (memorization encouraged, but not required)
  • Two etudes of contrasting style (i.e., lyrical and technical): TMEA All Region/State etudes can fulfill this requirement.
  • Class I or II solo from the UIL Prescribed Music List (encouraged, but not required)
  • For specific inquiries, contact the faculty member over your instrument or vocal area.


  • Three prepared solos from contrasting historical periods (classical, romantic, impressionist or modern)
  • Two major scales and two minor scales (hands together)
  • Be prepared to sight read a four-part chorale or other simple texture.

Contact Dr. Jacob Clark for more information regarding piano auditions.

Students Interested in Jazz

For those students wishing to be considered for additional scholarship support for participating in one of our jazz ensembles, we encourage you to include a jazz etude or other jazz related music as a part of your prepared presentation. This might include performing on a secondary instrument.
