3.4: Position Classification - Classified Positions


Issued: 4/1/00

Revised: 5/01/02; 1/01/07

1. Policy: All positions, except faculty and administrative (non-teaching) positions, will be evaluated, classified and compensated in accordance with an established Classification and Pay Plan to ensure, insofar as practicable, the concept of "equal pay for equal work" based upon the requirements of each position.

1.1 The Associate Vice President for Human Resources is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering the salary administration plan. The authority and responsibility to conduct position classification surveys, utilize the standing Compensation Committee, conduct job audits, and allocate positions to appropriate classifications is vested in the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. Final approval of classification and compensation will be with the appropriate Vice President.

1.2 Although the primary responsibility for the administration of the position classification program is vested in the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, it is also the responsibility of all levels of supervision and management to assist in the program’s administration by recognizing the need for and initiating the necessary actions to effect (a) the establishment of new positions, (b) the abolishment of unneeded or outdated positions, and (c) the reclassification of existing positions because of significant or substantial changes in duties and responsibilities.

1.3 All classified positions will be assigned a Salary Group based on such factors as the information developed in the Position Analysis Questionnaire, the position analysis, the relevant labor market, and current positions within the classified pay plan.

1.4 Classification into Salary Group shall be based on such determinants as tasks and duties of the job, problem solving, decision making, contacts, written communication, working conditions, education and experience, and number of employees supervised. Determination shall not be made based upon the ability of the account manager to pay.

2. Establishment of New Positions:

2.1 When the need to establish a new position has been determined, the department head should contact the Office of Human Resources concerning the classification and salary group of the new position. The requesting department will be provided the appropriate position analysis questionnaire.

2.2 Upon receipt of a completed questionnaire and appropriate approvals, Human Resources may perform a position audit and assign a class job title and appropriate salary group using the applicable job evaluation standards.

2.3 Should the proposed position require the establishment of a class title not in the current Human Resource Classification and Pay Plan, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources or designated representative will assign a title, establish salary group and prepare a class job description.

3. Review of Existing Classified Positions:

3.1 The President shall appoint members of the Classification and Compensation Review Committee. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing the classification of existing classified positions. The Human Resource Manager shall chair the Committee. Other members of the Human Resource team will assist as necessary in an ex-officio capacity.

3.2 Position Analysis Description Questionnaires (PAQ) may be sent to selected incumbents in the classified positions to be reviewed by the Committee. Other analysis tools may be used as deemed necessary by the Committee. The questionnaires should be completed or revised by the position incumbent and reviewed for accuracy by the supervisor.

3.3 The Committee will recommend classification of the positions under review using any and all tools at their disposal. This review shall be timely to the preparation of the annual budget.

3.4 Area Vice Presidents may request a classification review of a position. It is recommended that these requests be reserved for positions which are currently vacant and the department has completed a restructuring which impacts the position in question.

3.5 Any budget request for position reclassification, title change, or equity salary increase must have the supporting documentation from the Office of Human Resources.

3.6 An incumbent whose position is reclassified to a class having increased responsibilities or complexity of duties and in a higher salary range, and who is eligible to remain in the position, is considered to have been promoted as a result of the reclassification. The incumbent's compensation will be recommended by Human Resources at the time of the reclassification.

3.7 The incumbent of a position reclassified to a class having decreased responsibilities and complexity of duties and in a lower salary range, is considered to have been demoted as a result of the reclassification. The incumbent's compensation upon such reclassification will be recommended by Human Resources at the time of reclassification. Such change is not a reflection of the incumbent's job performance and cannot be grieved unless the incumbent presents prima facie allegations that the reclassification is a violation of the constitution and laws of the United States or of the State of Texas.

4. Establishment of Trainee Positions:

4.1 A trainee position may be established when (a) diligent recruitment effort has determined the absence of qualified applicants for any entry level job which requires technical or specialized knowledge, techniques, and/or experience or (b) it is desired to provide opportunities to current employees under an employee development program.

4.2 The establishment of a trainee position requires a written agreement between the department head and the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. Such written agreement must include (a) length of the training program which must be for no more than six (6) months, (b) general content of the training program, (c) trainee pay rate, and (d) pay adjustment of the employee to the minimum of the salary range of the job upon successful completion of the training program.

4.3 Trainee Rate: A trainee rate of pay will be the equivalent of at least three (3) percent below the minimum of the salary range applicable to the position. Upon successful completion of the prescribed training period, the employee's salary will be adjusted to the minimum step of the salary applicable to the position, and such salary adjustment will become effective the first day of the next month following completion of the training program. It is the responsibility of the department head to initiate the necessary action to accomplish the salary adjustment of the employee following successful completion of the training period.

5. Assignment of Classified Staff:

5.1 To facilitate the work of the institution, any classified employee may, during emergencies or other special circumstances, be temporarily assigned to a position different from the classified position he/she was hired to perform. A temporary reassignment is normally for periods not to exceed six (6) months.

5.2 To facilitate the work of the institution or any work unit within the institution, classified staff may be reassigned work duties and responsibilities.

5.3 For salary impact, refer to Policies No. 3.6 and 3.7. Non-exempt employees assuming exempt positions must perform the duties of that exempt position more than 80% of the work time in order for the employee to be treated as exempt. Stipends to non-exempt positions increase the amount of base pay for the computation of overtime pay rates. Care should be taken when considering the assignment of exempt position duties to a non-exempt employee.