

Selected Publications

See CV for full list of publications.

  • Qian, Q.; Su, L.; Zaloom, V.; Jao, M.; Wu, X.; Wang, K.-H.  Field Measurements and Modelling of Vessel-Generated Waves and Caused Bank Erosion—A Case Study at the Sabine–Neches Waterway, Texas, USA. Water 2023, 15, 35,
  • Qin Qian*, Mien Jao, Victor Zaloom.  Streambank Erosion and Protection after Hurricane Harvey in the Sabine Neches Waterway”, 2020 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. 
  • Alberto Marquez, Victor Zaloom. “Benefit estimations of port terminal infrastructure rehabilitation and construction project”, Proceedings of the 2020 IISE Annual Conference”, May, 2020.
  • Robert Kelley Bradley, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, Brian Craig, Alberto Marquez, Xinyu Liu, Berna Tokgoz, Yueqing Li, Maryam Hamidi, Gary Yentzen, Acyut Kaneria, Weihang Zhu, Results of the First 6 Years of a 2 + 2 Online B.S. Industrial Engineering Degree Pathway, ASEE Annual Conference 2021
  • Ayberk Karakauz, Berna Eren Tokgoz, Victor Zaloom, and Alberto Marquez, "Risk assessment of commonly transported chemicals in the Port of Houston”, International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2019.
  • Wu, Xing, Rahman, and Victor Zaloom, “Study of travel behavior of vessels in inland waterways using AIS data -- a case study at hotspots in Sabine-Neches Waterways, Ocean Engineering, 2017.
  • Wu, Xing, Aesha L. Mehta, Victor A. Zaloom, and Brian Craig “Analysis of Waterway Transportation in Southeast Texas Waterway Based on AIS Data - A case study in the Sabine-Neches Waterway”, Ocean Engineering 121 July, 2016 pp. 196-209, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.05.012.
  • Wu, Xing, Rahman, and Victor Zaloom, “Study of travel behavior of vessels in inland waterways using AIS data -- a case study at hotspots in Sabine-Neches Waterways, Ocean Engineering, 2017.
  • Analysis of Waterway Transportation in Southeast Texas Waterway Based on AIS Data”, Xing Wu, Aesha L. Mehta, Victor A. Zaloom, and Brian Craig, Accepted by Ocean Engineering, May 2016.
  • “Probability Analysis of Vessel Collisions and Groundings in Southeast Texas Waterways”, Published in in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2426, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies Washington, D.C., 2014, pp. 44-52; Xing Wu, Hafizur Rahman, and Victor Zaloom.
  • “Development of a Web-based Safety Survey Data Analysis System for the Maritime Industry, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2012, Orlando, FL, USA, James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, Victor Zaloom
  • “Finite Element Analysis of Micro-grinding Process, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2012, Orlando, FL, USA, Xinyu Liu, B. Gangineni, Weihang Zhu, Victor Zaloom
  • “Multi-Objective Optimization For The Micro-Milling Process With Adaptive Data Modeling” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2011, June 13-17, 2011, Corvallis, Oregon, With Weihang Zhu, and Xinyu Liu.
  • “Scheduling Hazardous Waste Incinerators Using a SA-LP Heuristic”, Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, July 2010, 27(7): 569-575. doi:10.1089/ees.2009.0380, with Schulte, Curry, Zhu, Lou, and Marquez.
  • “An Experimental Study on the GPU-accelerated ACO for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Sequent Dependent Setup”, IERC 2010 Proceedings, Cancun, Mexico, June 2010, With Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Anjali Mishra, A. Marquez.
  • “Sequence Dependent Parallel Machine Scheduling On a GPU Platform Using Ant Colony Optimization”, Proceedings of ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Oct 4-7, 2009, West Lafayette, IN, With Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Anjali Mishra, Victor Zaloom
  • “A study of Ant Colony-Based Parallel Machine Scheduling with Graphics Hardware Acceleration, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, October 4-7, 2009, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Anjali Mishra and Victor Zaloom.
  • “An Analysis of Correlation of Expert Opinions in Security Risk Assessment”, Proceedings of the 14th ISSAT Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Orlando, Florida, August 7-9, 2008 with Vinit Subhedar and Hsing-wei Chu.
  • “Cooling Suits, Physiological Response, and Task Performance in Hot Environments for the Power Industry,” Industrial Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2007, Vol.12,No.3, pp287-299, with Craig, Futado, Chard, and Chu.
  • “A Computer Based Training System for Process Safety Management,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 31 No. 1/2, pp. 511-514, October, 1996 (with Prakash Ramachandran).
  • “Developing Improvement,” Manufacturing Breakthrough, Vol 2, No. 5, September/October 1993 (with Tansukh Dorawala and Thomas J. Werner).
  • “Further Experiments in Quality: Improving R&D Processes,” Transactions Association for Quality and Participation (AQP) Annual Spring Conference, pp. 211-221, May, 1993, New Orleans (with Tansukh Dorawala and Thomas J. Werner).
  • “Computer Aided Link Analysis (CALA),” Computers in Industry, 1991 (with James Glass and David Gates). “Creating A Positive Work Environment,” Chemical Engineering, June 1990 (with Terry McSween).
  • “A Model to Determine the Technicalness of Manufacturing Industries,” Engineering Management International, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1989.
  • “Statistical Process Quality Control Training and Implementation,” Training and Development, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1988, pp. 59-61.
  • “Bank Funds Management By Goal Programming,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 132-135, Orlando, Florida, March, 1986. (with A. Tolga)
  • “A Repricing Model for Production Rate or Quantity Revisions,” Cost Engineering, April, 1985, pp. 10-15.
  • “An Automated Procedure to Establish Workzone Boundaries for Air Force Facilities Maintenance Operations,” The Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 33, pp. 913-919, 1982.
  • “A Review of Cost Estimating for Advanced Composite Materials Applications,” Engineering Cost and Production Economics, Vol. 7, pp. 81-86 (1982). “An Algorithm to Schedule Aircraft to Sorties,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 95-101, 1980, (with W. R. Howard).
  • “An Analysis of the Effect of Production Quantity and Inventory Selection Policy on the Probability of Meeting a Specified Launch Schedule,” Winter Simulation Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December, 5-7, 1977.
  • “A Note on the Optimal Schedule of Two Parallel Processors,” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, (1975) (with D. H. Vatz).
  • “Computer Science and Computer Engineering – A Cooperative Program,” Transactions, American Society for Engineering Education, December, 1973 (with H. T. Nagle).
  • “A Computer Science Option in Industrial Engineering,” SIGSC Bulletin, (Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education on the American Association for Computing Machinery), Vol. 5, No. 1, 1973 (with D. B. Webster).
  • “A Technical Note on the Proper Use of Compound Interest Factors,” The Engineering Economist, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1973.
  • “On the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem,” American Institute of Industrial Engineering AIIE Transactions, Vol. II, No. 4, 1971.