

Tracy J. Benson, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
Jack Gill Endowed Chair
Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Tracy J. Benson, Ph.D.

Research Interests

My research thrust is the minimization (or elimination) of industrial wastes, including hazardous materials, unwanted byproducts, and wasted energies by developing alternate chemical transformation pathways for lipid-based biofuels, as well as the conversion of CO2 using catalysis and reaction engineering process development.

Research Presentations

Research Grant (funded)

  • “DOE CarbonSafe” Project supported by DOE, FY 2017-2018, ($99,999) – coPI.
  • “DOE GoMCarb” Project supported by DOE, FY 2018-2023, ($306,246) – PI.
  • “Texas Louisiana Carbon Management Community” Project supported by DOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management,  FY 2024-2025, ($146,595) – PI.
  • “Houston Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub for the Production of e-Fuels” Project supported by DOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management,  FY 2024-2026, ($74,956) – PI.
  • “Reaction of Isocyanates with H2S” Project supported by BASF, FY2024 ($50,000) – PI.