
Holly V. Metcalf

Doctoral Student
Email: hmetcalf1@lamar.edu 


  • Springfield, MO.

Current Employment

  • Clinical Associate Professor, M.S., CED - Missouri State University 


  • M.S. in Deaf Education
  • B.A. in Elementary Education 

Research Interests

  • Early Intervention-Language acquisition for D/HH children
  • Hearing parents with Deaf/HH children 
  • Underserved hard-of-hearing population

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Clark, M. D., Wimberly, M. B., Goyette, D., Metcalf, H. V., Willman, E. C., Greene, A., & Norman, N. J. (2023). How well are young deaf children in early intervention doing on their language acquisition? An assessment view. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10(3), 105-117.   

Recent Non Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Leffler, B., Willman, E. C., Cohen, B., Metcalf, H. V., Ballentine, P., & Greene, A. (2022). Unfreezing Literature: Spinning the Lenses. Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures.  

Recent Presentations

  • Arora, S., Engler, K., & Metcalf, H. V. (2023, February). Reinventing the use of goreact: Implications for cultural competence and consciousness. Presented at the Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. 
  • Metcalf, H. V., & Arora, S. (2022, April 21-21).The use of goreact to foster student-centric learning and success, ReAction 2022: Free Virtual Conference for Skills-Based Learning, Virtual.  
  • Metcalf, H. V., Ballentine, P., Greene, A., & Clark, M. D. (2023, February). Do as we say, not as we do: A language policy analysis in deaf education. Presented at the Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.  
  • Arora, S., Engler, K., & Metcalf, H. V. (2023, February). Reinventing the use of goreact: Implications for cultural competence and consciousness. Presented at the Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.  

Dissertation Focus

  • Life Scripts for Hard-of-Hearing Individuals 

Holly Metcalf