Graduate Council
October 20, 2021
Attending: Jerry Lin, Brett Welch, David Short, Carly Cox, Donna Azodi, Awais Saleem, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Vivek Natarajan
Quorum reached
Approval of Minutes
#470 – September 15, 2021
Motion to accept: Natarajan, second: Welch, motion passed
New Business
College of Education & Human Development
Educational Leadership – requesting to remove prerequisites (remove EDLD 5302 for EDLD 5303 and remove EDLD 5313 for EDLD 5389), see justification from department for full details
Department re-evaluated the course content and the pre-requisites were not needed, change will also assist with course scheduling
Motion to accept: Welch, second: Azodi, motion passed
College of Business
MBA, MS MIS, & MSA – departments submitted three lists of proposed leveling courses for students in the MBA, MS MIS or MSA programs that have UG degrees from foreign countries with less than 120 credit hours. See memos for full details.
Having a bridge program such as this will help the college to attract more international students to their programs. Prior review determined that these courses were consistent with the UG program. Can go into effect after BOR approval, no further approvals needed.
Motion to accept: Welch, second: Hefner-Babb, motion passed
MBA Management Concentration – requesting expansion of the elective course options
MBA program is growing and needs more flexibility for students to complete program quickly, especially online students, since not all courses are offered every semester. These are existing courses, so content review is not needed.
Motion to accept: Welch, second: Azodi, motion passed
Review draft policy for competency-based assessment for graduate credit
Previous request from Port Management prompted creation of university-wide draft policy for competency-based assessment for graduate credit since other programs may have similar needs. Departments can create more specific policies using this one as a baseline.
Motion to accept: Natarajan, second: Welch, motion passed. Pending approval at Dean’s Council.