
February 19, 2020

Wednesday, 02/19/2020
Wimberly Bldg Room 219D
Submitted By:
C Cox

Graduate Council
February 19, 2020


  Approval of Minutes

  • #453 – November 20, 2019



Old Business


New Business

College of Arts & Sciences

Psychology – M.S. Applied Psychology:  Course Additions – PSYC 5315 Leadership & Managing People; PSYC 5324 The Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship; PSYC 5365 Cognition, Emotion & Memory; PSYC 5380 Behavioral Neuroscience.  Forms submitted were old and did not include space for SACSCOC approval.  Council questioned if these courses were already being offered, and requested more information from the department.  Item tabled for later.

Nursing – M.S. Nursing Administration:  seeking approval of entire degree plans (M.S. Nursing Admin/MBA, M.S. Nursing Admin, and M.S. Nursing Education) that include course additions approved in Nov 2019.  A motion was made to approve the degree plans.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

 Computer Science – M.S. Comp Science:  Course Changes – COSC 5345 Computer Network Security; CPSC 5363 Cybersecurity.  Council felt that the course titles do not need to include colons (Cybersecurity: Systems and Cybersecurity: Networks).  A motion was made to approve the changes with a non-binding recommendation to remove the colons.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 


College of Education & Human Development

 Educational Leadership – Ed.D.:  Course Additions – EDUD 6308 Educational Leadership & Innovation; EDUD 6309 – Emerging Trends in Technology & Learning; EDUD 6399 – Dissertation; Proposed degree plan change to incorporate an additional concentration offering in Educational Technology Innovation, also reduce the number of dissertation course offerings from four separate courses to one repeatable 3-credit hour course.  A motion was made to approve the course additions.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Teacher Education – M.Ed. Special Education w/Diagnostician & Diagnostician Certification-Only program:  Course Change – SPED 5321 Test Administration & Interpretation.  Department wishes to change title to Practicum in Test Administration & Interpretation, and change from 5-week to 15-week course to provide students more time to complete content and obtain practical implementation experience.  A motion was made to approve the course changes.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.


College of Engineering

 All ME/MES/MEM programs:  request to allow up to 6 credit hours of the 5000-level electives taken as part of B.S. engineering programs to be counted as credit toward degree requirements for M.E./M.E.S./M.E.M. programs, thus establishing an accelerated track for these programs.  A motion was made to approve the request.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Chemical Engineering – D.E., Ph.D., M.S., M.E.S.:  Course Additions – CHEN 6375 & 5375 Plant Safety and Security.  New courses to enhance D.E./Ph.D. and M.E./M.E.S. programs.  CHEN 6378 & 5378 Data Analysis for Chemical Engineers.  Data analysis not currently covered in curriculum.  These will be elective courses and, with department permission, can be taken by undergrad students.  A motion was made to approve the new courses.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

 Council discussed the need to identify stacked courses and the possibility of adding to the various course forms a line for the Department Curriculum Chair to sign.  The need for updates to the course forms will be suggested to the Academic Affairs office, including a place to identify the course as required or elective and adding a version number or update date to these forms.

The next Graduate Council meeting will be held on March 25th at 2:45 pm.

