
August 12, 2019

Monday, 08/12/2019
Graduate Studies, Wimberly 219
Submitted By:
Carly Cox


Summer 2019 (June-August)



In order to meet the deadline for the Board of Regents August meeting agenda, the items below were approved by the Graduate Council via email. Proposals were submitted to Council members to vote up or down.


College of Arts & Sciences

Nursing – approved course additions and deletions

Course Addition MSNC 5319 Advanced Nursing Issues & Health Policy Replacing MSNC 5312 and MSNC 5315

Course Addition MSNC 5395 Evidence-Based Project I Formerly MSNC 5195, changing to 3 hour course to reflect workload

Course Addition MSNC 5396 Evidence-Based Project II Formerly MSNC 5296, changing to 3 hour course to reflect workload

Course Deletion MSNC 5315 Advanced Nursing Issues Replaced by above courses

Course Deletion MSNC 5312 Healthcare Policy & Finance Replaced by above courses

Course Deletion MSNC 5296 Evidence-Based Project II Deleting 2-hour course and replacing w/3-hour course



College of Education & Human Development

Teacher Education – approved new M.A. in Teaching

Educational Leadership – approved to implement change to grading system for doctoral courses to satisfy the Financial Aid office’s required statement of student progress. Students will receive S or U in dissertation courses rather than S or NG, as NG does not indicate student performance level.


College of Engineering

Master of Engineering Management (M.E.M.) – approved modification of degree plan from 36 hours to 30 hours to make semester hours requirements consistent for thesis and non-thesis students, consolidate course offerings and allow each engineering department to set their desired coursework requirement beyond 30 semester hours

Machine Learning Certificate – approved new graduate certificate in Machine Learning in conjunction with the Department of Computer Science

Civil & Environmental Engineering – approved course additions and changes

Course Addition CVEN 5320 Engineering Project Management Adding 6 reporting level to allow doctoral students to also take this course

Course Addition CVEN 5364 Transportation Engineering & Traffic Analysis Adding 6 reporting level to allow doctoral students to also take this course

Course Addition CVEN 5370 GIS Application Engineering Adding 6 reporting level to allow doctoral students to also take this course

Course Change CVEN 5324 Models in Hydrological Systems Change the report level for doctoral students