
TSUS Regents' Professor Award

Criteria and Guidelines



The purpose of the Texas State University System Regents’ Professor Award is to honor individuals at the rank of professor whose performance and contributions to the educational community at large have been exemplary.


Winners of the Regents’ Professor Award will receive the following:

  • The designation of Texas State University System Regents’ Professor, which they will maintain for the duration of their service within the System.
  • A $10,000 award, commemorative medallion and framed resolution signed by the Board of Regents. Formal recognition at a regular meeting of the Board of Regents.


Nominees shall be full-time faculty members who have held the rank of professor or equivalent for a period of not less than five consecutive years. Additionally, nominees shall:

  • Demonstrate a record of distinguished teaching along with accomplishments in research or other scholarly activities.
  • Demonstrate a record of service at the local, state, and national levels.
  • Demonstrate a record of commitment to the college or university.


  • The Executive Director of the TSUS Foundation will call for nominations for the award by February 1.
  • Utilizing the institution’s existing framework for recognizing and awarding excellence, the local committee will select a limited number of nominees from whom additional information (outlined below) will be requested. The committee will assess the materials on the basis of the selection criteria and will forward their recommendations to the president.
  • The president, in turn, will make his/her recommendation(s) to the Executive Director by May 1. The Executive Director will forward the nomination packets to the Selection Committee.
  • Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Selection Committee and their rankings will be submitted confidentially to the Executive Director by July 1.
  • The Executive Director will forward the rankings and Executive Summaries to the Foundation Board of Directors. Prior to August 31, the Board of Directors will determine the number of Regents Professorships to be awarded and select the winner(s).


The Selection Committee shall consist of seven current Regents’ Professors representing a cross section of disciplines, appointed by the Chancellor for three-year terms. Each president of a four-year institution may recommend up to three current Regents’ Professors for the Chancellor’s consideration. The Chancellor shall reasonably attempt to apportion membership based on the size of the institutions. To represent institutions without a current Regents’ Professor, the Chancellor shall select an alternate representative of that institution (professor emeritus, etc.) to serve on the committee. The committee shall meet as a group telephonically, and a System officer appointed by the Chancellor shall serve as an Ex Officio member.


Materials submitted for consideration should offer a summary of the nominee’s performance in teaching, research and service during his/her career, and may include the following information:

  1. Teaching Performance (Weight: 40%)
    • The nominee’s philosophy of teaching, courses developed, teaching methodology, innovative teaching materials, methods, and use of technology.
    • Formal standard evaluations by students, peers, or supervisors.
    • Citations or other acknowledgements by former students (e.g. letters, e-mails, cards).
    • Other assessments (e.g. licensure examination records of former students, letters of commendation from peers inside and/or outside System component).
    • Teaching awards or other recognition.
  2. Research or Other Creative or Scholarly Activity (Weight: 40%)
    • Samples of research, creative works and scholarly works (e.g. book excerpts, articles, electronic presentations, monographs, invited papers, reports, etc.).
    • Letters of support, conference programs, and other items that evidence involvement of student and/or junior faculty in research, creative works and scholarly works.
  3. Service (Weight: 20%)
    • A narrative summary of service on the local, state, national and international level (including names of organizations or agencies served, descriptions of service and dates of service).
    • Awards or recognitions for service.


By May 1, the institution president will submit a nomination packet to the Foundation’s Executive Director. All materials in the nomination packet must be submitted electronically (in pdf format) either by email, file sharing service, or mailed storage device, and formatted as outlined below.

  • Letter of transmittal (presidential nomination letter): 1 to 2 pages
  • Curriculum Vitae: 2 to 5 pages
  • Most significant contributions in research 1 to 2 pages
  • Teaching philosophy and significant contributions in teaching 1 to 2 pages
  • Most significant contributions in service 1 to 2 pages
  • Letters of recommendations from colleagues Up to 4 pages
  • Letters of recommendations from students Up to 4 pages
  • Letters of recommendation from external parties Up to 4 pages
  • Letters of recommendation from others (candidate’s choice) Up to 4 pages
  • Executive Summary Up to 3 pages
  • (A condensed vitae and compilation of candidate’s teaching research, and service achievements) Maximum Total: 25 pages

Any material extending beyond 25 pages, which may help draw a complete picture of the nominee’s career, may be included in an appendix, which must be a separate pdf file.

An institution may nominate no more than one candidate per 140 full-time faculty members based on Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board data from the previous fall semester.

Nominees who were not selected to receive the Regents’ Professor Award may remain eligible for consideration for two additional, consecutive years by submitting a one-page addendum to their application packet to the president’s office by March 31.

The award recipient(s) will be announced at the Fall convocation (when possible) and will be formally recognized and receive the award at the Board of Regents’ regular meeting in November.


April 1 by 5:00 p.m.

TSUS Regents’ Professor Nomination Packets due internally to college Dean.

Send to:

  • College of Arts and Sciences
    Dr. Lynn Maurer, Parker Bldg. 203
  • College of Business
    Dr. James Lumpkin, Galloway Bldg. 232
  • College of Education & Human Development
    Dr. Alberto Ruiz, Education Bldg. 205
  • College of Engineering
    Dr. Brian Craig, Cherry Bldg. 2016
  • College of Fine Arts & Communication
    Dr. Golden Wright, Theater Arts Bldg. 201

Printable Guidelines