
Course Descriptions

Specialization Areas and Courses

Each Course is of 3 credit hours. You need to take two courses from a specialization area to complete 6 credit hours in that specialization. You need to complete specialization in at least two areas.  
View course descriptions below.

Courses: COSC 5310, COSC 5350, COSC 5313

Artificial Intelligence
Courses: CPSC 5370, COSC 5312, COSC 5318, CPSC 5375

Computer Networks
Courses: CPSC 5320, COSC 5345, COSC 5328, CPSC 5335

Courses: COSC 5311, COSC 5332, COSC 5333, CPSC 5340

Distributed Systems
Courses: COSC 5333, COSC 5302, COSC 5350


Game Development and Animation
Courses: COSC 5324, COSC 5325

Computer Graphics
Courses: COSC 5335, CPSC 5321

Mobile Computing
Courses: CPSC 5326, CPSC 5327

Real-Time Systems
Courses: CPSC 5328, CPSC 5360

Courses: COSC 5336, COSC 5309

Software Engineering
Courses: CPSC 5360, COSC 5332

Graduate Course Descriptions

Computer Science (COSC)

Course Number: 5100
Credit Hours: 1
Title: Graduate Seminar

Course Description:
Topics include the scientific method and research process, library utilization and components and organization of various types of research papers. Writing exercises on the latter topics. Preparation, formal written report and presentation on a research topic.

Course Number: 5302
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Advanced Operating Systems

Course Description:
Current research issues and advanced topics involving both the principles and pragmatics of operating systems specification, design and implementation. Study of concurrent processes, support structures for modular programming, resource allocation and protection, telecommunications, networks and distributed processing.

Course Number: 5310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Adv Computer Architecture

Course Description:
Advanced topics in computer architecture such as RISC vs CISC, pipelined processors, vector processors, HDLs, language directed architectures and neural nets.

Course Number: 5311
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Data Mining

Course Description:
Data models, distributed databases, special databases, statistical databases, database machines, knowledge bases, database design theory and self-documenting databases.

Course Number: 5313
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Analysis of Algorithms

Course Description:
Topics on what can and cannot be proven about computational complexity including algorithm design methodologies.

Course Number: 5315
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Foundations of Computer Science

Course Description:
The foundations of computer science are studied in order to give a better understanding of the discipline. Topics include: logic, computational models, formal languages, computability and complexity theory.

Course Number: 5321
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Computer Graphics

Course Description:
Introduction to computer graphics programming. Topics include graphics programming standards, two-and three-dimensional rendering pipelines, geometric models (including primitives, fonts, curves, and surfaces), affine transformations, orthogonal and perspective views, shading and lighting models, images and texture mapping, interactions and animations. A major project is given encompassing some or all of these concepts.

Course Number: 5322
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Computer Vision

Course Description:
This is an introductory course in computer vision that covers the basic theory, algorithms and applications.

Course Number: 5324
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Computer Game Development I

Course Description:
Introduction to the design and implementation of computer games, including real-time graphics, audio and interactive multimedia programming techniques.

Course Number: 5325
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Computer Game Development II

Course Description:
Continuation of COSC 5324. Advanced game programming techniques, including 3-D graphics, 3-D audio, game physics and networking for multi-player games.

Course Number: 5328
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Computing Networks

Course Description:
A study of networks of interacting computers. The problems, rationales and possible solutions for distributed databases will be examined. Major national and international protocols including SNA, S.21 and X.25 will be presented.

Course Number: 5333
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Distributed Comp Systems

Course Description:
The study of the characteristics of a collection of autonomous computers linked by a network, with software designed to produce an integrated computing facility that intends to present a transparent virtual machine to application programmers.

Course Number: 5340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics

Course Description:
Special topics in all areas of Computer Science with emphasis on topics not covered in other courses. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Course Number: 5345
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Cybersecurity: Networks

Course Description:
This course provides a hands-on study of various network attacks and defending techniques, including main vulnerabilities of TCP/IP protocols, attacks on DNS servers, DoS attacks, firewalls, VPNs, TLS and Blockchain. Basics of TCP/IP protoco;s will also be covered.

Course Number: 5350
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Parallel Algorithms

Course Description:
Taxonomy of parallel computers, shared-memory vs. message-passing architectures, theoretical models, parallel algorithm design strategies, parallel data structures, automatic parallelization of sequential programs, communication, synchronization and granularity.

Course Number: 5360
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intern-Grad Students

Course Description:
This course provides practical experience with a company engaged in work related to a career in computer science. The purpose is career development before graduation. The course requires that the student obtain permission for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) from the International Student Office.

Course Number: 5361
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Internship-2

Course Description:
A continuation of COSC 5360 for a second semester.

Course Number: 5369
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Graduate Project

Course Description:
Independent study and research of a specific problem in a field of computer science or its application. A report is required defining the problem and developing a solution. The work may be supervised by any member of the graduate faculty. The project may be done by a team and must include an oral defense before a graduate committee of at least 3 graduate faculty members. May not be repeated for credit.

Course Number: 5390
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Thesis

Course Description:
Independent research of a specific problem in a field of computer science. The work will be supervised by a member of the graduate faculty of the Computer Science Department. To be scheduled only with the consent of the department. Six hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean.

Course Number: 5391
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Thesis II

Course Description:
Independent research of a specific problem in a field of computer science. The work will be supervised by a member of the graduate faculty of the Computer Science Department. To be scheduled only with the consent of the department. Six hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun.

Computer Information Science (CPSC)

Course Number: 5325
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Data Science and Big Data Analysis

Course Description:
This course will introduce advanced data science techniques including data preprocessing, visualization, analyzing techniques, and big data analysis techniques such as High-Performance Clustering.

Course Number: 5326
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Android Programming

Course Description:
This is an introductory course in Android programming. Topics include history of Android, hardware, development tools, text-based applications, multi-media applications, accessing the Internet from an application, and user interface design. Prior experience with Java is highly recommended.

Course Number: 5327
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Advanced Android Programming

Course Description:
This is an advanced course in Android programming.

Course Number: 5328
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Real Time Systems

Course Description:
This course emphasizes two main real-time topics: Real-time scheduling algorithms and schedulability analysis, and formal analysis and verification of real-time systems. It is recommended that students be familiar with symbolic logic and programming languages such as Java or C++

Course Number: 5330
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Adv Multimedia Processing

Course Description:
Television style viewing and sound interfacing to computer systems. Software and architectural interconnection requirements of digital interactive video and audio technology. Graphical user interface. Definition, examples, application, review of major implementations, and architecture of multimedia systems. Voice technology: synthesis, recognition and response. Student projects.

Course Number: 5331
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Image Processing

Course Description:
This is an introductory course in image processing that covers the basic theory, algorithms and applications.

Course Number: 5340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Database Design

Course Description:
Introductory course on database design. It covers the architecture of database system organization; relational models; entity-relationship models; secondary storage; security issues and normal forms and decomposition theories. A course project is required.

Course Number: 5360
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Software Engineering

Course Description:
Systems analysis, software requirements analysis and definition, specification techniques, software design methodologies, performance measurement, validation and verification and quality assurance techniques. Programming in an object oriented language.

Course Number: 5361
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Secure Software Engineering

Course Description:
This course covers five main secure software engineering topics such as security, defensive programming, reliability, program understandibility and programmer misconceptions.

Course Number: 5363
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Cybersecurity: Systems

Course Description:
This course provides a hands-on study of various attacks and defending techniques on computer software and hardware, including malware, OS security, web security, smartphone security and hardware security. Basics of C programming, OS and HTML will also be covered.

Course Number: 5364
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Wireless and Mobile Protocols

Course Description:
This course provides an overview of different wireless and mobile network protocols. It involves the study of the impact of wireless network characteristics on existing network protocols and newer protocols that are suited to such characteristics. Protocols for medium access control, routing, reliable transport and applications custom-made for wireless networks will be dealt with.

Course Number: 5370
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Artificial Intelligence

Course Description:
Introduction to concepts and ideas in artificial intelligence. Topics include search techniques, knowledge representation, control strategies and advanced problem-solving architecture.

Course Number: 5375
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Machine Learning

Course Description:
This course is an introduction to machine learning, the study of how to make a machine change its actions automatically to improve its performance. In addition, graduate students need to present a research paper.

Course Number: 5380
Credit Hours: 3
Title: 3D modeling for Computer Graphics

Course Description:
This introductory course in three-dimensional (3D) modeling covers techniques for creating content designed for use in real-time computer graphics applications using appropriate software with particular emphasis on computer games. Topics include mathematical foundations, 3D file formats, creation and modification of 3D geometric shapes, surface texturing, lighting, rendering and a survey of current software tools and techniques.

Course Number: 5381
Credit Hours: 3
Title: 3D Animation for Computer Graphics

Course Description:
This introductory course in three-dimensional (3D) animation covers techniques for programming in C++ and creating content designed for use in real-time computer graphics applications using appropriate software with particular emphasis on computer games and character animation. Topics include rigid versus on-rigid body animation, skeletal techniques, morphing, kinematics, animation blending, key framing, time coding, motion capture, lip sync, synchronization methods, file formats and a survey of current software tools and techniques. It is recommended that CPSC 5380 be completed before taking this course

Course Credit for 5000 Classes

No more than 6 hours of senior-level courses may be included in the COSC graduate degree program; if a student wishes to include such courses in the degree plan, prior approval of the department must be obtained. Students may take up to two graduate courses offered by College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering. College of Business, College of Fine Arts and Communication as electives in the Master in Computer Science program.

Academic Standards

If a student's GPA on all graduate and/or deficiency courses falls below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation the following semester.