
Jim Armacost

Armacost Portrait

Associate Professor of Biology

Director of Environmental Science

Office: 101 C Maes Building

Phone: 409-880-1756

Email: jarmacost@lamar.edu


  • 2007 Ph.D. Biology, Illinois State University
  • 1998 M.S. Biology, Mississippi State University
  • 1993 B.S. Zoology, Louisiana State University 

Courses Taught: 

  • Environmental Science (BIOL 2306)
  • Anatomy and Physiology I (BIOL 2401)
  • Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL 2402)
  • Conservation Biology (BIOL 4302/5302)
  • Ornithology (BIOL 4409/5409)

Research Interests:

I’m a broadly trained naturalist with interests in ecology, natural history, biodiversity, and conservation biology. My research deals with avian ecology and conservation. I’ve conducted ornithological fieldwork in the United States, Peru, and Japan. My primary research interest is habitat use by birds. Studying habitat use is important for understanding wildlife ecology and for the management and conservation of wildlife, including birds. A secondary research interest of mine is the effects of human habitat modification on bird communities.

Selected Publications:

Brobey, B., Kucknoor, A., and J. Armacost. 2017. Prevalence of Trichomonas, Salmonella, and Listeria in wild birds from Southeast Texas. Avian Diseases 61: 347-352.

Gifford, K. L., and J. W. Armacost, Jr.  2012. Year-round bird use of monotypic Chinese tallow tree, Triadica sebifera, stands in Southeast Texas. The Condor 114: 689-697.

Armacost, Jr., J. W., and A. P. Capparella. 2012. Colonization of mainland agricultural habitats by avian river-island specialists along the Amazon River in Peru. The Condor 114: 1-6.

Armacost, Jr., J. W. 2005. Birds of palm-dominated terra firme forest: habitat heterogeneity and avian diversity in the Neotropics. Cotinga 25: 33-37.

Armacost, Jr., J. W. 2004. The nest, eggs, and nestlings of the Castlenau’s Antshrike (Thamnophilus cryptoleucus), with notes on its ecology and conservation.  Wilson Bulletin 116: 262-266.

Fujioka, M., Armacost, Jr., J. W., Yoshida, H. and T. Maeda. 2001. Value of fallow farmlands as summer habitats for waterbirds in a Japanese rural area. Ecological Research 16: 555-567.